I have analyzed the open cluster NGC 659. It was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1783.
This is its energy spectrum from JS9 with its most importants energy peaks.
Then, I have calculated each peak's percentatge and find out which elements they contain.
I have used this formula:
Here are my results:
This supernova has:
- 0,91% of Chromium (Cr) which energy is 1088.4558 eV.
- 1,06% of Copper (Cu) which energy is 1589.2211 eV.
- 6,62% of Galium (Ga) which energy is 1815.9827 eV.
- 4,79% of Arsenium (As) which energy is 2057.8618 eV.
- 6,37% of Sumarium (Sm) which energy is 7263.9309 eV.
I have not found any article about the composition of NGC 659 in the scientific literature. All I could find is that moderate resolution spectra were obtained in the cluster NGC 659 over wavelengths of λ4050-5200 Å and for 7 objects in the neighborhood of the Hα line. Emission is observed in both the Hα and Hβ lines, while faint emission appears only in the Hα line.
If I go back to my results, they are not similar to this ones.
- Based on my investigation, this nebula is form of Chromium, copper, galium, arsenium and sumarium.
- What I have done is to find the eV of the tallest peaks of the JS9 energy spectrum and discover what element corresponds to that enery.
I have calculated the electronvolt of this elements with the transition predetermined in this web (from the cap 3 to the 2). The atoms to jump from this capes have to be in a room temperature. Depending to the temperature, the element can have different quantum energy. What is the same, a eV number can be from different elements if they are moving arround differents capes.
It can be possible that the atoms are not moving from the capes I have work with and this might be the reason why my results does not match with the scientifics results.