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HD 7924 b

I have found this graphics that show the light curve of the exoplanet. We can see that both are similar.

They show the brightness of the star over a period of time. When the line goes down, the exoplanet is in front of the star and its brightness decreasses.

We can see that the brightness variation is 0.0004.

Doing some research about the exoplanet and its star I have found this data:
HD 7924 B
Radius 1.05 RJ
Mass 6.3566 Earth
Orbital Period 5.39792 (± 0.00025)
Temperature 826.0 K

HD 7924
Distance 16.8 (±0.1) pc
Spectral type K0V
Apparent magnitude 7,185
Mass 0.832 (±0.036) MSun
Radius 0.78 (± 0.02) RSun


5177.0 (± 44.0) K

Then, I have calculated the speed of the planet using the formula of Laboratory for the study of exoplanets.

According to my calculations, the speed of the planet is 3,72 Earths/AU.